Load MUSIA plug-in into Ableton Live
- After selecting the Plug-Ins tab in the Categories of the Browser, select VST3 from the detailed category on the right. *If the Browser is not visible, you can activate the Browser by selecting Show Browser from the View menu tab at the top.
- Inside the VST3 category, there is a CreativeMind subcategory, select it and you will find the MusiaPlugin.
- If you drag & drop the MusiaPlugin you found to any track, the plug-in will be executed.
MUSIA plug-in is not showing up in Ableton Live.
If you can not see the CreativeMind category in the VST3 category, check whether (1) Use VST3 Plug-In is checked in the Plug-Ins tab of Preferences or (2) the path of the custom folder in VST3 matches the folder path where the MUSIA Plugin is installed. (3) If the custom folder path is different from the plugin installation path, click the Browse button to set the correct path and then (4) click the Rescan button to scan the plug-in again.