Install MUSIA Plugin on Windows

Last updated March 23, 2024

Install MUSIA Plugin on Windows

  1. Open the downloaded file from the MUSIA website. → Run the file by clicking the download item in your web browser or finding the item in the Downloads folder on your computer.
    1. Download items in your web browser
      Download items in your web browser
      Downloads folder on your computer
      Downloads folder on your computer
  1. After running the file, click the Next button to proceed with the installation. → To use the MUSIA plug-ins in your DAW, check the box next to the VST3 plugin.
    1. The choice list of components to install by operating types
      The choice list of components to install by operating types
      The installation path of VST3 Plugin
      The installation path of VST3 Plugin
  1. When you see this window displayed, the installation is complete. You can now use MUSIA Plugin in a Standalone form or by importing them to your DAW.
    1. notion image
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